Apr 23, 2013 | HRV Research
Simon Wegerif, Creator of ithlete takes a look at heart rate variability leading expert Dr Martin Buchheit’s research, HRV as an indication of running performance.
Mar 15, 2013 | ithlete Training
by Simon Wegerif As you may know from a recent blog post exploring threshold and polarised training gains I agreed to start a polarised training programme in my training ahead of the Etape. To get started I began with the 4 minute/2 minute zone 3/zone 1 workout...
Mar 15, 2013 | HRV Research
Threshold or Polarised endurance training; which produces the biggest performance gains? Research summary & HRV implications by Simon Wegerif, Creator of ithlete.
Dec 27, 2012 | General, ithlete Training
by Amber Pierce A big part of what I love about being a professional athlete is helping promote lifestyle choices that lead to better health and overall quality of life. Fitness plays an integral role in maintaining and optimizing health, and people...
Oct 17, 2012 | HRV Research
by Simon Wegerif Who, why and what ? This study was performed on 8 professional cyclists during the 3 week Tour of Spain, by Dr Conrad Earnest (Cooper Institute for Human Performance) and a team of well respected sports scientists. The study aimed to determine how...